復活 Revival
???: You… How long do you intend to sleep?
Your body is awake. Your eyes must open now, and you must find the strength to stand upon those legs of yours.
Like so much rain, a pool of blood has fallen to the ground… As spears and arrows pierce the earth, it weeps. And even now…it weeps.
In order to survive, they kill. And so, the people of this world are lost in an abyss of suffering. They weep as well.
The only one who truly knows the nature of such things is I… Or rather, you.
Choice 1: まだ眠い…… I'm still sleepy.
???: はあああ……まったく、この大馬鹿者め!まこと相変わらずじゃな、おぬしは!
???: You are a complete and utter fool! Have you not changed one bit?!
Choice 2: 誰…… Who?
???: はあああ……? わしのことを忘れたと!?いくらおぬしでもそれは許されんぞ!
???: Excuse me?! Are you saying you have forgotten who I am? How dare you!
???: 立て立て! 甘える時間は終いじゃ!まったくいつまでも世話が焼ける……
???: Get on your feet. Right now! I'll coddle you no more! You are just like a child, always needing me to hold your hand...
(農村 夜明け前)
Farming Village | Nighttime
村人: ……おい!あんた、目が覚めたのか?
Villager: Hey! A-are you awake?
Choice 1: ここは…… Where am I?
村人: 大修道院の麓の村さ。あんた、こんなとこで何してんだ?
Villager We’re in a village at the base of the monastery. What are you doing in a place like this?
Choice 2: あなたは…… Who are you?
村人: そこの村の者さ。あんた、こんなとこで何してんだ?
Villager: I’m just a villager here. What are you doing in a place like this?
村人: ……あんたが川から流れてきた時は驚いたよ。
Villager: I honestly didn’t expect to find someone floating away down the river…
Garreg Mach is upstream of here, but that place was abandoned.
Byleth: どういうこと? What do you mean?
村人: ……あんた、知らねえのか?もうあそこにゃセイロス教団はいねえんだ。
Villager: Huh? You don’t know? The Church of Seiros isn’t there anymore.
Though there have been some folks still living there in the five years since… Well, you know.
Anyway, I’ve heard some thieves have been spotted around those parts these days.
Choice 1: 5年……? Five years.
Choice 2: 今は何年? What year is it?
村人: ……なあ、あんた大丈夫か?頭でも打ったんじゃねえだろうな。
Villager: Um, are you feeling all right? You didn’t hit your head or anything did you?
It’s the Ethereal Moon of the year 1185. It’s been nearly five years since the monastery fell.
Tomorrow was supposed to be the millennium festival, but who’s got time to think about things like that?
Byleth: 千年祭…… The millennium festival...
村人: ああ。だけど、この戦争ばかりのご時世、それに大司教様も行方知れずとくりゃーー
Villager: Uh, yeah, that’s what I said. But with the war and the archbishop still missing and all…
I doubt there’s a soul to be found who has enough blessings worth counting.
Hey! Slow down, will ya? Where do you think you’re going?
Byleth: 大修道院 The monastery.
村人: しょ、正気か!?帝国軍がいんだぞ?
Villager Are you crazy?! I told ya! They say thieves are running amok up there, and there’s plenty of other dangers too.
I heard a rumor that Imperial troops went up there to investigate and got slaughtered. Every last one!
Come on, I promise I won’t say you’re a coward. Just forget about going anywhere near the monastery.
村人: お、俺は止めたからな……?死んでも知らねえぞ?
Villager: You just remember I tried to stop you, got it? It’s not on my conscience if you wind up dead!
Choice 1: 生徒たちが待っている My students are waiting for me.
村人: 生徒だあ……? あそこにゃ子供なんてほとんどいねえよ、馬鹿かあんた!
Villager: Students? You really are crazy, aren’t you? There aren’t any kids anywhere near that place anymore! Unbelievable…
Choice 2: 心配はいらない No need to worry about me.
村人: おい!……まったく、本気かよ。
Villager: Unbelievable…